Himanshu Jariyal
UI/UX Designer & Frontend Developer


Intranet Music Player Of IIT Roorkee

Javascript, Soundmanager
Jukebox is the intranet music player of IIT Roorkee. It gives you quick access to a vast collection of music from all time and genres. The design is minimalistic, simple and precisely based on good user experience and interaction.
My Role
Designed and Developed the User Interface. Worked closely with the backend team. Improved the UX after carefully considering various use cases with significant number of iterations in both design and code. Worked on pixel perfect design, gave sufficient time in detailing the various UI components.
Nitesh Kumar(Mentor & Designer), Pankaj Gudlani(Backend Developer), Himanshu Jariyal(Designer & Frontend Developer)
Adobe Photopshop, HTML5, CSS3, JS, jQuery, Git, Vim, Linux Environment, Soundmanager
Your home screen shows top 50 tracks. Try dragging a song to your play queue.
Every artist has a collection of all his albums. Click on an album art to play the entire album.
The album view show all the songs in a single album. Drag the album art to the play queue to play the entire album.
All your favourite music in one place. Share and explore other users playlist.
Quick Search
The quick search view show the top 5 search results in each category Songs, Ablums and Artists. Just start typing to quick search results.
Full Search
The full search view show all the songs, albums and artists related to a search string.
Save Playlist
Popup dialogue box allowing to save as existing playlist or create new playlist.
We have around 1000 daily users listening music on Jukebox (Thanks to piwik) and we highly value their feedback.
Facebook Cover Pic
Designed by Nitesh Kumar
Video Demo
This is an intranet application which is only for students of IIT Roorkee, so here's a video demo of what the experience feels like.