Himanshu Jariyal
UI/UX Designer & Frontend Developer

Inventory Mapper

Product management system.

Frontend, UI-Grid
Company Profile
Grofers is an on-demand, hyper-local delivery service that connects consumers with their local merchants and is currently operating in 27 cities.
Problem Statement
Grofers has a large database of products which is constantly being updated. During addition there was a large duplicity in products.
Create a web based application to show the items and provide limited filtered results to the end user. Way to keep track of current progress and save the progress, initially in browser localstorage.
Process Followed
Carried out research on previous flow used to do the same thing and thought of ideas on how to make this whole process fast and user friendly. For this personally used the product with content team and took their feedbacks. Implemented the product using Angular JS for frontend and used tools like Yeoman, Grunt & Bower to make the process robust and fast.
Madhukar Mishra(Mentor & Backend Developer) and Himanshu Jariyal(Designer & Frontend Developer)
Tech Stack: Frontend
HTML5, CSS3, JS, Angular JS, Git, Yeoman, Grunt, Bower, Sublime Text, Mac OS
Upload Excel
Excel file input. Uploaded sheet name and number of rows.
Wrong Format
Throws error on any other file type upload.
Uploaded Sheet Data
Listing the data in uploaded sheet with extra columns in each row for New Price, Product Id to be mapped and mapped product details. Double clicking on a row searches the DB for related products and updates the Search Table data. Grid data can be edited by clicking the grey cells.
Search Results
Top 50 search results from DB shown in grid with filter in each column. Custom search by Product Name and Category Id.
Angular UI Grid Utility.